Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trying new things

The hot spell in Melbourne has finally broken and I can return to my regular routine. After four hot nights in a row I am feeling seriously sleep deprived.

Weather whinging now over.

Today I tried my first pilates reformer class.

This is something I've wanted to do for a while but was always too scared to try. I mean, if you look at that thing, it's certainly got a look of medieval torture instrument to it.

I enjoyed the class and suspect I will feel it tomorrow. I don't think I got all the moves down right (I'm pretty sure that my hip joints are not suposed to make the noises that they did) and I felt how weak I am in a number of areas. Looks like I've got another class to add to the list.

Hooray for day 4 of the 100 days challenge being done too!

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