Monday, November 2, 2009

The past month (or so)

Has been pretty interesting.

I have achieved one of my major goals for 2009 - get a new job and move back to Melbourne. Yep, it's done. I drove down today and am camping with the parental until Wednesday when my furniture arrives and I can move into my new place.

It's been a hectic few weeks - I've driven the Hume more times than I care to attend interviews and house hunt. But it was worth it with two job offers in a matter of weeks, one of which is a job I've been wanting for many years (and not surprisingly is the job I took) and a nice big flat in a good area (fingers crossed). I've been keeping this under my hat because I developed a huge case of the superstitions once things looked like they might be coming together. I'm still having reservations about posting this now.

So, I'm waiting for the excitement to kick in because it is really exciting. I'm pretty sure it will happen once the moving is finished and I've started work and everyting is settled. Yay!

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